
My name is Aurélie Jouanigot, I’m 34 years old, French and I’ve been living in Switzerland for the last 10 years. When I was 12 years old, my father introduced me to the world of photography, instilling his passion and showing me the power to both immortalize each moment through my own eyes and share those precious moments with others.

Discovering the vast world of photography at this early stage in my life has become more than just a past-time. Forming an important part of my personality, it has led me to travel more and capture the world as precious moments. I do my best to record what I see with honesty, compassion and always a childlike enthusiasm. I love to capture every detail and observe the little things that everyday people walk by and typically ignore. Beauty and richness can be found everywhere, then it’s just a matter how to translate it!








Photo Credit: Ghislaine Bras